I. Books
A Place Between Oceans: Imagining the American Empire 1880–1940. Habilitation project
The West and the Word: Imagining, Formatting, and Ordering the American West in Nineteenth-Century Cultural Discourse. De Gruyter, 2020. Print
Periphere Räume in der Amerikanistik. With Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez. Dialektik des Globalen. Kernbegriffe. De Gruyter, 2019. Print & Open Access
II. Journals (Peer-Reviewed)
“From Starved Rock to Cancer Alley: Simulated Violence and Representational Collapse in the American West.” Intersectional Perspectives: Identity, Culture, and Society 2 (2023): 29-57. Open Access
“Unmasking Maps, Unmaking Empire: Towards an Archipelagic Cartography.” Journal of Transatlantic American Studies 14 (2023) 1: 137-167. Open Access
“Introduction: Conceptualizing Archipelagic Mobilities.” Journal of Transatlantic American Studies 14 (2023) 1: 75-92. With Barbara Gfoellner, Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez, and Alexandra Ganser. Open Access
“Beyond the Artifact: Unfolding Medieval, Algorithmic, and Unruly Lives of Maps.” Material Culture Review / Revue de la Culture Matérielle 92 (2022): 54-71. Print
“‘Then I Started for the Mountains’: Retracing Louisiana’s Human Geographies across Five Remarkable Biographies.” Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 49 (2021) 1: 42-64. Print
“Voyages through Literary Space: Mapping Globe and Nation in Richard Henry Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast.” Polish Journal for American Studies 14 (2020): 197-209. Open Access
“The Horrors of the Oriental Space and Language in H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Shadow over Innsmouth.’” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 68 (2020) 3: 233-249. Print
“Shuffling Narratives: Apocalypticism, Postmodernism, and Zombies.” ANGLICA: An International Journal of English Studies 29 (2020) 1: 87-107. Print
“‘To Be Murdered’: Simulations of Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Violence in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood.” Irish Journal of American Studies. 2019. Open Access
“Bleeding Borders: Space, Blackness, and Hybridity in Jack London’s Representations of the American Southwest.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 63 (2018) 1: 5-28. Open Access
“Exceptional Spaces: Pop-Cultural Debris and the Spatial (Re)Construction of American Exceptionalism in Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity.” Polish Journal for American Studies 11 (2017): 203-222. Print
“Feeling New York: Classless Urban Geographies and Affective Capitalist Reconciliation in Horatio Alger’s Ragged Dick.” Emotion, Space and Society 24 (2017): 1-8. Print
“Inertia and Movement: The Spatialization of the Native Northland in Jack London’s Short Stories.” GeoHumanities 3 (2017) 1: 65-87. Print
“American Health.” aspeers: emerging voices in american studies 8 (2015): v-viii. Introduction. Open Access
III. Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
“Mug Shots and Passport Photography.” Encyclopedia of Visual Culture. Bloomsbury. In print. 2025
“Visualizing Exploration.” A Cultural History of Exploration. Vol. 5: A Cultural History of Exploration in the Industrial Age. Eds. Lauren Beck and Jane Samson. Bloomsbury. 2024: 147-172. Print
“Playing the Race Card: Lovecraftian Play Spaces and Tentacular Sympoiesis in the Arkham Horror Board Game.” With Amelie Rieß. The Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft: Comic, Film, Podcast, TV, Games. Eds. Tim Lanzendörfer and Max José Dreysse Passos de Carvalho. Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture. Palgrave Macmillan. 2023: 339-57. Print
“The Sealsfield Enigma and the Narrative Politics of the Transatlantic Western.” The Western in the Global Literary Imagination. Eds. Christopher Conway, Marek Paryż, and David Rio. European Perspectives on the United States, Vol. 5. Brill. 2022: 131-48. Print
“‘True Places Never Are’: Navigating (Trans)Oceanic Imaginations in Moby-Dick.” American Studies Over_Seas. Vol. 1: Narrating Multiple America(s). Eds. Edgardo Medeiros da Silva, Margarida Vale de Gato, Mário Avelar et al. Peter Lang. 2022: 51-63. Print
“Spatial Imaginations and Counter-Geographies of Oregon and the Far West.” Reinventar o social: movimentos e narrativas de resistência nas Américas / Reinventing the Social: Movements and Narratives of Resistance in the Americas. Eds. Isabel Caldeira, Maria José Canelo, and Gonçalo Cholant. Coimbra University Press. 2021: 237-63. Print & Open Access
“‘Fear Thy Neighbor’: Paranoia and Suburban Victim-Hood in Mark Pellington’s Arlington Road.” Traditions and Transitions. Vol. 1. Eds. Emilia Slavova et al. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 2019: 290-302. Open Access
“Spatiality and Psyche: Surviving the Yukon in Jack London’s ‘Love of Life’ and ‘To Build a Fire.’” Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives. Interamericana. Vol. 13. Eds. Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez and Hannes Warnecke-Berger. Peter Lang, 2019: 75-98. Print
“Spatial Fictions: Imagining (Trans)national Space in the Southern and Western Peripheries of the Nineteenth Century United States.” Collaborative Research Centre 1199. With Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez and Deniz Bozkurt. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2018. Print
IV. Reviews
Review of The Creole Archipelago: Race and Borders in the Colonial Caribbean by Tessa Murphy. Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists. 1 September 2023. Open Access
Review of Writing History in America’s Shadow: Japan, the Philippines, and the Question of Pan-Asianism by Takamichi Serizawa. Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists. 27 May 2022. Open Access
Review of Transoceanic America: Risk, Writing, and Revolution in the Global Pacific by Michelle Burnham. Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists. 8 January 2021. Open Access
Review of Imperial Infrastructure and Spatial Resistance in Colonial Literature, 1880-1930 by Dominic Davies. Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 29 (2019) 5: 102-103. Print
Review of Pacific America: Histories of Transoceanic Crossings by Lon Kurashige. Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 29 (2019) 1: 105-107. Print
Peer reviewer for ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews
Peer reviewer for Island Studies Journal
Peer reviewer for Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History
Peer reviewer for Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies
V. Editing
“Archipelagic Spaces and Im/Mobilities.” Journal of Transnational American Studies 14 (2023) 1. Co-editor. Open Access
aspeers: emerging voices in american studies 8 (2015). Co-editor. Open Access
VI. Media / Blogs
“Violence, Representation, and Ecocide in the American West.” 2021. For Academia Letters. Open Access
“The West and the Word: Imagining, Formatting, and Ordering the American West in Nineteenth-Century Cultural Discourse.” TRAFO - Blog for Transregional Research. New Books. 28 January 2021. Web
“Mapping Discourse in R.H. Dana’s ‘Two Years Before the Mast.’” TRAFO - Blog for Transregional Research. 31 October 2019. Web
“Globe, Region, and Periphery: The Spatialization of the American West in Nineteenth-Century US Literature.” TRAFO - Blog for Transregional Research. 10 April 2018. Web
“Berkeley Free Speech Rally Riots | United Forces (15 April 2017).” Short Documentary / Video Essay. 18 April 2017.
“The Second Cold War.” The Unz Review. 9 December 2015. Web
“The Second Cold War. The US Might Come Out on the Losing Side...” Centre for Research on Globalization - Centre De Recherche Sur La Mondialisation. 8 December 2015. Web
VII. Digital Humanities
“Imperial Spatializations and Archipelagic Counter-Geographies, a Selected Corpus of Works, 1880-1940.” 2024. GlobeData. Corpus (machine-readable XML)
“Conspicuous Spatializations: Visualizing (Anti-)Imperial Spatial Imaginations of Transhemispheric America through Corpus-based Data.” 2022. Interactive Visualizations
“Discursive Map: An Attempt at Visualizing the Transnational Trajectories of Spatial Imaginations in R.H. Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast (1840).” 2018/2022. Map
VIII. Moderated Open Access
“Kennedicide in the ‘Heartland of the Real’: Conspiracy, Coincidence, and Narrative Instability in Don DeLillo’s Libra.” New Academia XI (Jan. 2022). Open Access
“Allah’s Own Country: Black Nationalism, the Nation of Islam, and American Muslim Identities.” 2015. Seminar Paper. Religion in American Society (Hartmut Keil). Open Access
“States of Contingency: Geopolitical Dynamics of Sovereignty and Intervention in American Studies and International Relations.” 2015. Seminar Paper. Graduate Colloquium (Crister S. Garrett ✝). Open Access
“Still Very Excite: A Retrospective of Ethnic Humor, Political Correctness, and Hate Speech in Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat.” 2014. Seminar Paper. ASL Project Module (Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez). Open Access
“Empfindung, Bewusstsein, Wirklichkeit: Die Machsche Velozität des unrettbaren Ichs.” 2013. Seminar Paper. Geschichte der Philosophie: Zu einer kleinen Geschichte des Positivismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Thomas Wendt). Open Access
“‘I Thought of Carthage’: Disentangling Moral and Military Aspects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings.” 2013. Seminar Paper. Society, History, and Politics II (Tobias Schlobach). Open Access
IX. Posters
“Mapping Discourse in R.H. Dana’s ‘Two Years Before the Mast.’” 28 January 2020. Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universität Leipzig. Conference Poster
“Urban America: Mediating City Space as Place.” 2 April 2016. Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig. Conference Poster
X. Websites
ENMMA: European Network for Minor Mobilities in the Americas. 2018—. Programming / Design
steffenwoell.github.io. 2019—. Programming / Design